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Effective tips for fighting mould in your home

Wednesday June 22, 2022 ● By Emily Russ // Place Estate Agents

Fighting mould in your home, Brisbane

Here in Queensland, we love our tropical climate. Along with our sunny days and warmer temperatures, though, we can also experience mould growth that quite literally comes with the territory.


Harmful to our health if exposed to it over time, these types of fungi can be prevented and removed thanks to a number of simple methods. We’ve gathered some need-to-know advice to keep your home mould-free.


How to avoid mould growth 

Firstly, consider the rooms in your home that can experience dampness and identify where you might need to maximise sunlight and airflow. Natural deterrents, fresh air and vitamin D will help prevent any spores from growing – plus, they make your home a beautiful place to be in!  

Encouraging airflow can be as basic as leaving a small amount of space between your furniture and walls. On that note, make time to properly inspect your ceilings and walls to check for any condensation. Do you have a high-use room that doesn’t have a window? Think about installing an exhaust fan if your budget allows it, or use a dehumidifier to minimise chances of mould growth.  

In your bathrooms, look around the sink, the shower recess and anywhere where you think water might gather. Similarly, kitchens and laundries can become prone to mould growth when not properly ventilated. If dealing with washing machines, be sure to wipe down top-loaders between uses if you can and try leaving the door and soap compartments open occasionally in front-loaders.  

Moisture-absorbers can be a lifesaver as well, allowing you to stop the issue before it begins. You will find plenty of products at the supermarket and at storage solution stores, including hanging-style options that fit perfectly in wardrobes and laundries.  




How to eliminate mould  

If you do find mould spores in your property, it’s crucial that you get kitted out in the proper protective gear before cleaning – gloves and face masks with P1 or P2 filter are recommended. Also, don’t dry-brush any affected areas, as this can spread spores.  

There’s a wide array of effective mould-eliminating cleaning products available, but there are also plenty of natural options as well. The Queensland Government recommends using a combination of three parts vinegar and one part water; vinegar can be used on most surfaces, but it’s advised to invest in specific cleaning products for natural stone and marble. Tea tree oil and water is also suitable, while a mix of 70% methylated spirits and 30% water is a more heavy-duty option also made from household products.  

Whichever method you decide to use, always wash your cleaning cloth with water (it’s helpful to have a bucket of your cleaning solution and another bucket of water when cleaning) between uses to avoid cross contamination. Another go-to rule of thumb? If the affected area is more than one square metre in size, call in the experts and get professional assistance.  


22Govett Avenue-Hawthorne


Consider your clothing  

It’s not just surfaces and appliances that are prone to mould growth – wardrobes are another space not to be overlooked. Depending on your home’s design, your robe might not be the most bright and well-ventilated space so it’s a smart idea to check your clothes for spores occasionally. Another hot tip: overfilled robes can be a haven for mould, so here’s your cue to channel your inner Marie Kondo and donate any pieces that haven’t been worn in ages. 

Have you discovered spores on your clothing? There’s no need to throw out your favourite winter coat. Wash any mould-affected items using the hottest setting available for clothes with a little white vinegar and allow plenty of time for air-drying. 

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