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Case study: Preparing your home for Auction

Thursday June 16, 2022 ● By Grace Holgate // Place Estate Agents

Preparing your home for auction

When homeowner and CFO of Place Estate Agents, Michael Scholz decided to put his family home on the market, he never expected that he would be so invested in the Auction process. 


Recently selling his Morningside home, 37 Windemere Avenue, for $1,675,000 Michael and his family are hoping to move to the Bayside to be closer to family and to enjoy all the things the bay and the surrounding islands have to offer.

“As much as we loved the home and the local amenities including Seven Hills Bushland Reserve and of course The Blue Poppy Cafe, our reason for selling was primarily to be closer to family,” Michael said.

“I also grew up on the Bayside and would love to see my son growing up there too, it’s such a beautiful part of Brisbane.”




Michael bought the back in 2018 and while it had recently undergone a renovation at the time of purchase, he endeavoured to further improve the home by adding a pool, redoing the garden and altering numerous interior design elements of the home. 

“We are very proud of the home, and we hope that the new owners will love it as much as we did.”




Michael and his partner Brooke spent weeks making their home pristine and ready for the abode’s new buyers, and it was all worth it come Auction Day.

“We left the home with so many memories - from my son’s first Christmas to his first birthday, it’s like we were preparing to leave a little piece of us behind. When it came down to it, I wanted to present the home as beautifully as possible, a small way of giving back to the home.”

“We actually really enjoyed getting the house all beautiful and ready for open homes and for Auction day.

“Before the open homes, we got into a great routine of making the beds, puffing up pillows, vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom,  shower screens, mirrors and any of the glass doors in the home.

“We also had a stylist who assisted us with adding the finishing touches to the home including bedding throw pillows, wall prints and decorative towels – these little details really helped warm up the house.”




“To make the home as bright as possible, we opened the windows and turned on all the lights. We then put all our washing (clean and dirty) in the car and off we went!”

“On Auction day, we did all of the above, but were sure to de-clutter the house as much as possible as we were confident that we would have multiple groups through the home.”

“We spent a lot of time in the garden - there’s nothing better than fresh cut grass and newly mulched gardens.”


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“We also made sure to let all of our neighbours on our street know about the Auction date and time – they can be some of your biggest supporters and also, potential buyers.”

“The final step on the day of the Auction was letting our Auctioneer, Paul Curtain, know all our favourite features of the home and the surrounding area. Paul then included our favourite features during his Auction spiel, which made us feel proud, excited and like we didn’t have to worry about anything.”

Auction bidding opened at $1.3 million and after a fast and furious competition, finished with a fantastic result of $1.675 and some very happy sellers and buyers.

“The street was buzzing, we had about 50 people in the garden and on the balcony, we had neighbours and people we had never met before celebrating with us, I will never forget that moment,” Michael said.

“Watching Paul Curtain do his thing was like watching a star player on grand final day, in the zone, professional and with an outstanding ability to read the play. Alongside Paul, Shane Hicks, Antonio Puopolo and the Place Auction Patrol, we were incredibly happy with the results and we loved the Auction process.”


Top tips for preparing your home for Auction?

  • Get into a really great routine of cleaning everything beforehand and pay close attention to glass surfaces 
  • Take all laundry out of the house
  • Open up all of the windows for natural light and turn on all of the lights in your home to make it extra bright 
  • Let your neighbours know the details of the Auction - they can be some of your biggest supporters!
  • Declutter your home and be sure to spend some time mowing the lawn and mulching the garden
  • Have a discussion with your Auctioneer about all of your favourite features of the home and the suburb  

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