Place Real Estate company news

It’s question time! Questions you should be asking in an interview as the applicant

Written by Grace Holgate // Place Estate Agents | Aug 12, 2022 3:30:00 AM

You’re in the middle of an interview for your dream role at Place. Things are going well, and you’ve answered all the interview questions to the best of your ability.


You’re then asked, “do you have any questions?” by the interviewer. This is your time to shine!

Asking the interviewer questions is a great opportunity for you to learn more about the role, the company and whether the job is the right fit for you. Also, by having questions prepped and ready, the interviewer will be impressed by your interest and eagerness for the role – winning!

We spoke with Place Human Resources Coordinator, Tatum Green, about the questions she loves to hear in an interview.


What kind of training does the company provide?

“This question is like music to an interviewer's ears. Showing that you have an interest in training shows us that you’re eager to learn and grow. At Place, we have a learn it all, not a know-it-all culture and training our people is something that we highly value! Don’t be afraid to ask about the structure of training, it’s always valuable to learn how frequently training occurs in a company and at Place, there are endless training opportunities that align with your role and your goals.”



What type of culture does the company have?

“Employees are more likely to enjoy work if the company has a great culture. At Place, we understand that culture goes beyond events and running team initiatives (although we have a lot of these and they’re always fantastic!). We recognise that culture also means having a great work-life balance, a supportive community, and a place where your values are appreciated. Culture is very important in a workplace so definitely add this question to your list.”


What type of career progression is there available?

“Much like training, asking about career progression shows that you’re dedicated to upskilling and are committed to staying in the company. Career progression is important in any role, and we want to know how we can support you and your career goals.”



What do you love about working at Place?

“This one is always a fun one. I love being about to tell people what I love about working at Place because I’ve experienced so much growth in the two years that I’ve been here! This question allows the applicant to get a first-hand tell-all of what it’s like working at Place!”


What is the team dynamic like?

“Showing that you have an interest in the team dynamic tells the interviewer that you’re hoping to work with like-minded people that will support you in your role. From learning about team members' personality traits to the structure of a team, this question is a great ask.”



What would make someone successful in the role?

Asking about success shows the interviewer that you want to progress and thrive in your new role. We want to hire people that are driven and willing to learn. Pair this question with a company case study and ask the interviewer to talk about someone in the business that you think exemplifies success. When you get the job, make a conscious effort to meet this person!”


How would you describe the challenges that this role would face?

“Challenges will occur in every role, no matter where you are in your career journey. Asking this question tells the interviewee that you’re eager to learn about how challenges are overcome and how the company can assist you no matter the task at hand. We want to be there to support you and want to see you thrive in your new role!”

For more content like this, follow @propertycareer and if you’re thinking about making our Place, your Place, get in touch with the Career and Development team today.